A beginners guide to using the Allstar network.
Allstar is a great way to connect your 2 meter FM analogue radio to other amateur radio operators locally, interstate or across the world using only your handheld, mobile, or base radio. No other equipment is needed. You can login to the Allstar network using any 2 meter radio that has DTMF tones enabled.
Allstar gives you the ability to connect to any other repeaters/nodes anywhere in the world that has Allstar capabilities.
Repeater VK6RLM (146.750) in Perth has Allstar capabilities.
A list of worldwide Allstar node numbers can be viewed at:
Unlike EchoLink, you do not need to register to use the Allstar network.
Note: Whenever you use DTMF tones on your radio, you must press and hold the PTT button and then press the appropriate DTMF keypad tones.
Before you connect to any repeater/node, you must “always make sure that you have disconnect the VK6 southwest repeaters (that are usually connected to the network) before connecting to any other hubs/nodes around the world”.
The node number that you are going to connect to in this example is 41522 in the United Kingdom. (You can connect to any other node number if you wish)
How to: Disconnect from the VK6 southwest repeaters – Connecting to the UK Allstar Hub Network – Disconnect from the UK Allstar Hub Network when you have finished – Then reconnect the VK6 southwest repeaters again to VK6RLM. (That you previously disconnected.)
What to do.
1. Dial up repeater VK6RLM (146.750) on your radio.
2. Press and hold the PTT button, then press DTMF tones *76 this disconnects VK6RLM from the VK6 southwest repeaters.
3. Press and hold the PTT button then press DTMF tones *3 41522 this will connect you to the UK Allstar hub network. (You use *3 before any node number to connect. e.g., *3 41522)
(You may hear two quick tones when you have successfully connect to the UK Allstar hub network.) Thats it, you are connected!
4. When you have finished your QSO with the UK Hub, press and hold the PTT button then press DTMF tones *76 this will disconnect VK6RLM from the UK Allstar hub network.
(You can also disconnect individual node numbers by using *1 followed by the node number. e.g., *1 41522)
Important: You can only disconnect from any repeater/hub when there are no conversations taking place. If the repeater/hub is in use, you need to wait until all traffic has stopped transmitting.
5. To reconnect the VK6 southwest hub, press and hold the PTT button then press DTMF tones *3 42732 this will reconnect the appropriate hubs.
In summary:
*1 followed by the node number disconnects any nodes that are connected to the network.
*3 followed by the node number connects any nodes to the network.
*76 disconnects all nodes that are connected to network.
You can use: at anytime to view the state of your Allstar connections.
Peter Clifford.